Thank you for your assistance and continued patience as we work to resolve this matter. If you used our support form or contacted us via e-mail did you use a different e-mail address and/or customer account number from the one listed above? How did you deliver your cancelation notice (support form request, e-mail or post)? If you did, can you please send us a copy? We will however gladly perform additional searches if you can assist us by providing further information:Īfter you canceled your account did you receive a cancelation confirmation by e-mail? 'After an extensive database search we must unfortunately report that we have been unable to find a valid cancelation for account #. Plus, didn't they suspend my account since I didn't pay after the free trial? Customer Service Furthermore, they cited that if I wanted to pay via PayPal, they would 'have to charge handling fees in the amount of €15.00, making the total amount €179.46.' Nice try deterring users for opting for Paypal, but I dare not give them credit card details!